How Roofing and Solar Work Hand-in-Hand

Las Vegas heat and sun can be hard on your roof, and if it is ready for replacement, now is a good time to consider adding solar. Both systems can work well together, providing advantages that can increase the performance of both the roofing and solar equipment. Here are just a few reasons why you should install solar along with your roof replacement.
The Solar Can Shade The Roof
The heat and sun of the Las Vegas area can greatly shorten the lifespan of your roof, especially if it is a shingle roof. The asphalt that binds the aggregate to the fiberglass core of the shingle can soften in the heat, allowing the aggregate or shingle granules to loosen and fall away. These granules provide UV protection for the asphalt, so when they are lost, the degradation of the shingle speeds up. Solar panels can provide a bit of extra shade to keep down the heat, and some more protection from UV rays and physical impacts for the shingles.
A Well-Ventilated Roof Can Keep the Solar Panels Cooler
Solar panels generate the most energy when they are cool, and production fades as they heat up. A properly ventilated roof installed by a professional roofing company can keep the roof cooler. Not only does this increase the service life of the shingles and keep your cooling costs to a minimum, but it can also keep the solar panels cooler, increasing energy production.
Preventing Leaks and Water Damage
Solar panels must be directly attached to the roof structure to ensure they are properly secured, and this means driving fasteners through roofing materials like shingles, metal, or tile. A solar installer who does not have much experience with roofing systems can easily create leaks during the process, leading to water damage as well as potential structural problems. By choosing a company that specializes in both roofing and solar installations, you can be sure that both will be installed properly, and the installer can plan the layout to virtually eliminate any chance of a leak.
Both Systems Can Work Together to You Save Money
A properly installed roof will not only keep the solar panels cooler but your home as well. By venting the attic properly, not as much heat will build up in the attic and transfer into the living area. This means your air conditioning system will work less to keep your home cool, saving you money on your cooling costs. Plus, a cooler solar system will produce more energy, cutting your electricity costs, and it can provide cheap, green energy to keep your AC going even during the hottest days.
Roofing & Solar Installations in Las Vegas
When you want to maximize your new roof investment by adding solar, talk to our team at Cooper Roofing & Solar. We are the Las Vegas area’s largest roofing contractor, and we can design and install a comprehensive roofing and solar system that is tailored to your needs. By installing roofing and solar together, you can save on labor costs, ensure both installations are done correctly, and enjoy the added performance, efficiency, and value that both systems provide for your home. Our company has over 14 years of roofing experience, and we offer outstanding service with free estimates, an experienced team, and top-quality workmanship.
Contact Cooper Roofing & Solar today at (702) 688-7940 to request your FREE roofing and solar estimate in Las Vegas, Reno, Henderson, or the surrounding areas.