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The Pros and Cons of Having Solar Panels

Solar energy is a safe and sustainable source of power that you can use in your home to offset the increasing electricity bills. But before getting a solar panel, you need to understand what you are investing in. This article discusses the pros and cons of having solar panels to help you make a wise decision.

Pros of Solar Panels

Most people are opting for solar panels as an alternative power source to reduce dependency on the grid. However, the benefits of solar are more than that. Below are a few benefits of solar panels that make them an excellent choice for boosting your home’s energy efficiency.

Environmental Sustainability

Since solar energy comes from the sun, it is a source of renewable energy that will never run out. Installing solar panels allows you to harness power while minimizing greenhouse emissions, which reduces your carbon footprint. It also lowers dependence on fossil fuels, and you can be at peace knowing you are not harming the planet.

Lower Electricity Bills

Installing solar panels translates to long-term savings in electricity bills. By generating your own power, you reduce your dependence on the national grid and pay less for electricity. Also, you get a free energy source from the sun, and you can channel your savings elsewhere.

Earning Potential

While the main reason for installing a solar panel may be to save on costs and become energy dependent, you can also earn extra cash simultaneously. If your solar panels generate more energy than you need, you can sell power back to the grid and use the money to pay off your system much faster. The government offers Feed-In Tariffs to reward homeowners for extra electricity they don't use. The price per KW will depend on whether your state uses the fixed rate or time-varying tariff.

Increases Home Value

According to a study by the Appraisal Journal cited by The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, every dollar you save while using a solar panel adds $20 to your home’s value. Getting a solar panel is an investment that adds value to your home in the real estate market. This is especially true given the high initial costs and the subsequent savings that come with it.

You can also store your solar power in batteries for convenience if you use most of your electricity at night. Solar panels are also durable, low maintenance, and have warranties, making them a reliable power source for your home.

Cons of Solar Panels

Despite their benefits, solar panels do have some downsides. Below are notable disadvantages to keep in mind when considering solar panels.

High Initial Costs

Although the price of solar panels continues to decrease with government incentives and better technology, the initial costs are still high. Everyone may not afford to acquire a solar panel and pay for the solar panels, batteries, inverters, and installation costs.

It Requires Space

The amount of electricity you get depends on the number of solar panels you have. You will need more solar panels to generate more power, which requires lots of space. If your home has a smaller roof, it may not accommodate all the panels necessary to meet your needs sufficiently. An alternative is to install smaller panels that are highly efficient.

Power Your Home with Solar Energy

The pros and cons of solar panels do not negate the fact that it is a wise choice with a high return on investment. With the above information, you can make a confident decision about installing a solar panel for your power needs. Don’t hesitate to contact Cooper Roofing and Solar for our solar installation needs in Las Vegas.