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How Solar Companies in Las Vegas are Revolutionizing Energy

Solar companies in Las Vegas - Cooper Roofing & Solar

Reducing energy usage in your Las Vegas home is the best way to keep your utility costs under control. By installing solar, you can greatly reduce the amount of power you use from the grid, replacing it with environmentally-conscious green energy that you generate yourself. There are many solar companies in Las Vegas who are happy to help, and here are just a few of the ways they can revolutionize your home’s energy efficiency.

Capturing and Using Green Energy

Solar panels use special semiconductors that easily release electrons when they are excited by photons from the sun. A well-designed solar system can generate most or all of the energy you need during the daytime, leaving you to rely on the grid only at night or during cloudy weather. Plus, any extra energy that you produce can be sent back to the grid, earning you credits on your electricity bill in a process known as net metering. As long as you have plenty of roof space facing south with no major obstructions like trees, buildings, or signs, solar can be an excellent investment.

Reducing Your Energy Costs

When you generate your own electricity at home and use less energy from the grid, you can greatly reduce your electricity costs. A skilled installer can look at your past electrical bills and design a solar system that meets virtually all of your energy needs. As your net energy usage approaches zero, you will see a dramatic reduction in your electrical bills.

Keeping Installation Costs to a Minimum

With the wide range of tax credits and rebates available, it has never been easier to install solar. The federal government offers a tax credit equal to 30% of your total installation costs, including labor, for new solar systems. Other federal programs can further reduce those costs for low-income households or those in economically depressed areas. Many local governments offer property tax incentives for installing solar, such as not increasing appraisals, and many utility companies offer rebates and other incentives for installing solar. For instance, when customers install solar with a battery storage system, NV Energy offers rebates of 95 to 190 dollars per kWh of installed storage, depending on your rate plan. Solar companies in Las Vegas can help you find the best rebates and tax incentives for your system, reducing your initial investment significantly.

Solar Installations in the Las Vegas Area

When you are ready to add solar to your Las Vegas home, and revolutionize its energy efficiency, talk to our team at Cooper Roofing & Solar. We can design and install the ideal solar system for your needs and budget, and we can help you find valuable incentives and rebates to maximize your investment. We have over a decade of experience installing solar, and as a professional roofing company, we will make sure your new solar system will not harm your roof or cause leaks.

Count on Cooper Roofing & Solar for all your solar needs. We have been installing top-quality solar systems throughout Las Vegas since 2010, and we offer exceptional quality and workmanship. Call us today at (702) 688-7940 for your FREE solar installation estimate.