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7 Impactful Benefits of Installing Solar in NV

1. Reduces Energy Costs

As the cost of electricity rises, going solar can help reduce your utility bills significantly. You don’t have to rely on the national grid since you can now generate your own power through solar energy. With solar systems lasting over 35 years, you can save a considerable amount for decades. Moreover, some solar systems can function off-grid, giving you the independence you need.

2. Increases Your Property Value

Installing solar might seem pricey initially, but it offers good value for money in the long term. It can significantly increase the value of your home or commercial premises. Solar systems in Nevada are an upgrade that every property owner should consider. You can recoup some of your investment when you sell your property. After all, many aspiring buyers prefer to purchase energy-efficient properties.

3. Lowers Your Carbon Footprint

Climate change and global warming are a significant concern for those who care about the environment. Solar is a renewable energy source with minimal environmental impact. It does not pollute the air or contaminate water sources. Besides, solar panels do not require water to generate energy, making them eco-friendly. Installing solar in NV can help lower your carbon footprint, ensuring a cleaner and more sustainable environment for everyone.

4. Reliable Power Source

Solar energy is one of the most versatile and reliable power sources. You can install solar systems in almost any environment or climate, and they’ll still perform incredibly well, even during cloudy days. They can generate and store sufficient power to serve your energy needs. Besides, it is a renewable energy source that will never diminish. You can rely on solar without worrying about power outages and blackouts.

5. Rebates and Solar Incentives

Nevada is one state that offers tax rebates and incentives on solar installations. Property owners going solar can enjoy exciting tax cuts, reducing solar installation costs by up to 30%. The Federal Solar Tax Credit is an excellent program that ensures property owners benefit from rebates for the taxes they owe for the year they installed the solar panel. The application process is seamless. You only need to file the necessary info with your tax returns to benefit from this program.

6. Performance Warranties

Solar companies and installers provide lengthy warranties covering over 30 years, ensuring your solar system will serve you for decades without degrading. Extended warranties guarantee the performance of your solar unit. The provider may offer to maintain and replace damaged parts at no extra cost so long as the warranty remains valid and the company exists.

7. Low Maintenance Costs

Solar installations have low maintenance costs. Your solar panels can take several years before requiring any maintenance. They are durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions and environmental elements. You may only need to clean the panels and remove leaves to guarantee their performance.

Install Solar in NV with Cooper Roofing & Solar

If you’re mulling whether to install solar in your home or business, now is the time to make that move. Cooper Roofing & Solar is here to help you decide on the ideal solar solution for your property. We have been installing solar in NV for over a decade. Call our experts or visit our website to learn more about our process and how you can harness the benefits of installing solar in your residential or commercial property.