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4 Common Problems of Las Vegas Roofs

While most roofs in Las Vegas are made from durable material, this area's climate presents unique challenges that can lower the lifespan of even the best quality roof. As a property owner, you need to be aware of the common problems of Las Vegas roofs that you are likely to encounter while living in the Las Vegas climate. Recognizing the issues early might save you thousands of dollars in maintenance and repair costs, not to mention eliminate the inconveniences that come with damaged roofs. 

What Roof Problems are You Likely to Experience in Las Vegas?

Before we jump into the everyday problems of Las Vegas roofs, it is worth reiterating that the lifespan of your roof will be influenced by the unique environmental factors in this part of the world. As you may already be aware, the climate of Las Vegas is characteristically hot and dry. This presents an array of potential threats to your roof such as excessive dryness and extreme heat. Prolonged exposure to these threats can cause your roof to wear out much faster than it would in a different environment. 

With that out of the way, here are some of the unique challenges that a flat roof is likely to experience in Las Vegas:

1. Intense Sunshine

The city of Las Vegas typically experiences sunny weather throughout the year. And while this might be pleasant weather by human standards, certainly it does not bode very well for your roof. Years of exposure to harsh UV-radiation from the sun can cause the roof to dry up and become brittle. This increases the risk of cracking and significantly reduces the lifespan of a roof. 

2. Thermal Movements

While Vegas experiences arid weather all-year round, occasional rain sometimes happens at the drop of a hat, causing rapid fluctuations in temperature. This rising and falling cycle can cause your roof material to experience thermal shock (expansion and contraction) which can wear out your roof over time. 

3. Extreme Weather

Besides being predominantly hot and dry, Las Vegas frequently receives strong gusts of wind which can cause roofing materials to become loose or even come off completely. In some rare cases, Las Vegas also experiences hail storms which can weaken the roofing material and create holes in the roof. 

4. Animal Invasion

Sometimes, insects will find their way into your roofing materials thereby attracting birds which can peck away at your roof and cause damage. Household pests such as rats and mice can also nest in your roof heaves and chew through your roofing material thus perforating holes in your roof. 

Having Roof Problems? Call Your Roofing Experts Today.

Keeping your roof in pristine condition can be a headache if you live in Las Vegas. Fortunately, with the help of roofing experts, you can mitigate most of the aforementioned problems and ensure your roof stays in tip-top shape for longer. At Copper Roofing and Solar, we strive to provide quality roofing services to residents of Las Vegas and its environs. We possess the best roofing products and technology in the market and have a formidable team of experts with a wide range of experience in the industry. Contact us today for a free estimate